Our Lady of Providence Medical
Will my insurance cover tests, imaging or referrals that your practice orders?
Except for HMO plans, the answer is yes!
How can you provide all of your services so affordably?
Traditional Fee For Service practices can have overhead expenses greater than 50%. By having a monthly fee and not billing insurances most of these expenses are drastically reduced.
We also negotiate directly with lab and imaging services on our patients' behalf. It turns out that most of the lab and imaging costs are in the labor and systems required to recoup monies from patients and/or insurers.
Do I still need insurance?
Absolutely, yes!
How does this work with higher deductible health plans or Healthshares?
Direct Primary Care (DPC) is a great complement for those with higher deductible plans or Healthshares. Some Healthshares, such as Solidarity, will cover at least a portion of their member's DPC fees. Others, such as Medishare, have options that allow you to apply your Direct Primary Care fees to your deductible.
Unfortunately, HSA funds cannot be used to pay for Direct Primary Care fees. You can, however, use your HSA monies for any ordered labs, imaging, etc.
What if I have Medicare?
No problem. We care for Medicare patients and can order all necessary tests and referrals. Medicare covers all the test and referral costs they would cover for any other Medicare beneficiary. They do not unfortunately cover our Direct Primary Care fees.
I want to join but am worried about the cost.
Price-wise, we provide financial accomodations for those that request them on a case by case basis. Please reach out to us.
Won't this just worsen the physician shortage?
One key to encouraging more providers to choose primary care is to make the field more attractive to work in. Faithfully Catholic Direct Primary Care does that.
Why are you doing this?
We want to provide the best possible care that we can.